Contribution by Eduardo Donoso &, Rick Vezzoli (

foto: Eduardo Donoso


  • Location: Constitución, west of Talca, located at the sea. Please send more details!
  • Access: ?
  • Rock: Granite and limestone?
  • Routes: a few
  • Grades: ?
  • Characteristics: 
  • Height: 20m
  • Season: All except winter

        foto: Eduardo Donoso

First ascent, foto: Rick Vezzoli
Climbing what seemed to be a new route. This cliff is at the back of the beach and there is a fisherman’s shack at the base - Brazilian climber Antonio Paulo de Faria.
Rick Vezzoli wrote:
(...) I visited Constitución twice in the summer of 2005. There are beautiful granite arches on the beach and it seems there could be many routes opened. The second time there I opened a couple routes with a friend. The rock is solid at the base of the cliffs and gets looser as you go up. Cleaning the route beforehand would have been a good idea…

The rocks are so close to the sea that they are often wet and you have to wait until the sun dries the face. There could be great sport climbing, but steel bolts will rust very quickly – better to place glue-in stainless staples or rings.

I am including a couple of pictures. I’d say it’s a great beach/climbing destination. The only down side is the paper mill in town – located next to a very large arch – that stinks the whole place up when the wind is wrong. I would gladly go back and be more serious about opening new routes.


foto: Rick Vezzoli foto: Eduardo Donoso
foto: Eduardo Donoso
foto: Eduardo Donoso