ARENALES, more pictures
Pictures by W. Tonninger and M. Waldhoer

Coming to the police station, from here walk 0.5h

Continous party in the hut, there is always somebody

Going to Campanile

Typical cracks on Campanile

Crack climbing near the sport sector

Crack climbing

Camp site

Snow storm in summer

Nice people in hut.

View from below to Campanile (behind all, only uppermost peak visible)

Starting Campanile

Below Campanile


View from Campanile over the rocks further up the valley to Tres Picos de Amor 5550m where the clouds are above the top. Ice and mixed climbing possible. 
Right: Tres Picos de Amor showing interesting ice gullies.

Sector above the hut with shorter routes.

Left: Left sector with well bolted routes

El Cohete

Steep face in the left sector.

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