Cerro Escudo (Cerro Fundo El Romeral, 2050m)
Contribution by Felipe González Donoso, Ronald Aguilar O. and O. Guenay 

A cliff long forgotten, that has recently been reactivated by Felipe González Donoso and Tata Pancho. Rodrigo Fica and Ricardo Dorado put up a route called "Conga" in the early 90´s. This route coincides with the route No. 1 (El Lado Oscuro del Corazón) in the topo below. 

Do not enter without asking for permission at the gate keeper!
No entrar sin pedir permiso!

O. Guenay
Cerro Escudo from below

O. Guenay

O. Guenay

O. Guenay

Photo: O. Guenay    Photo: O. Guenay
Fotos de O. Guenay

Photo: O. Guenay

El Lado Oscuro del Corazón, Photo: Felipe G. D.
Fotos de Felipe González D.

El Lado Oscuro del Corazón, Photo: Felipe G. D.
Infierno de los Payasos, Photo: Felipe G. D. Infierno de los Payasos, Photo: Felipe G. D. O. Guenay